October 22, 2024

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Lets Take You To Different World

How Can You Increase Productivity In Your Office?

You remember well that when you first started your business, your employees were extremely supportive and passionate about it and helped you grow your brand as a team. You even asked for their opinions and suggestions when purchasing your current office space and chose one that is the closest to all of your homes. But lately you have noticed that even though you have taken in several new employees, your old employees do not seem as excited about work as they used to be. And you have also been noticing a steady drop in the productivity levels in your office and you wonder what you might have done wrong. But after a search online and chat with your friends you realize that the reason may be much more unusual than you expected. You may have not known this but being in the same space year after year can make people grow bored and in turn not be as productive. So what can you do? You can give your office and work space a dramatic makeover to help both you and your employees feel refreshed. Read below to see how you can do this!




Paint away


If you have had the same office space for quite a few years now, chances are the walls are already looking quite dirty and dull. Studies have shown that painting your walls in bright, vibrant colours can dramatically change the mood in the room and increase productivity levels. Whether that is at home or at your office. You can try a blue or red colour for two of your walls and repaint the other two walls with a fresh coat of white. If you do not want to change the paint to a very vibrant colour, you can try still re painting the office but use more muted tones and coordinate it with your good quality laminate flooring.


Change your flooring


Since the flooring and your walls take up the most surface area in any room, any changes to these will make the biggest difference. So if your current flooring is laminate, you can try contacting a timber floor installer in Syndey and install timber flooring in the desired colour. You can try lighter shades of timber to brighten up the office space. Timber will also give your office a more luxe and higher end look.


Fixtures and furniture


Since you have decided to do a full office makeover, you can now change the lighting fixtures in your office. If your office is not well lit or if everyone works long hours at night, you can invest in brighter, larger, LED lights and you can also try changing the cubicles and chairs and replace them with more futuristic designs or chairs with the latest technology to ensure maximum comfort and all this will make your office look brand new.

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